Ken Larsen's web site - Pulpit Rock (Preikestolen), Norway


A couple of my cousins visited Norway recently and took some pictures of Pulpit Rock.  Here they are: 


It's 604 meters (1982 feet) from the flat top of Pulpit Rock to the water.  That would not be survivable.  San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge is only 220 feet above the water, and only a few people have survived that drop.



This is my cousin Belinda.  She was born in Norway but now lives in Texas.


Click here to view a video of Pulpit Rock that I found on YouTube.


Although it's beautiful, I'd be scared to death to be on top of Pulpit Rock.  I get freaked out just looking at these pictures.  My cousins obviously have a lot more courage than I have.



Ken Larsen's home page

Ephesus/Fordham project